Creating and implimenting a team philosophy may be the most important thing we do this year. I'm not talking about a "theme". A theme is something you function under for a while and then discard. NO, I'm talking about a team philosophy. It should be deeper and more foundational than that. It's what drives you. It's your identity.
It's been said that a team philosophy is a reflection of what's important to the coach. So, here's some things I think are important.
1. We will have fun.
2. We will work as a team with the school, student body, and community.
3. We will respect our opponent.
4. We will fear nothing.
5. We will execute with exactness, confidence, and passion.
6. We will end every game with a possitive turnover ratio.
7. We will support and believe in our teammates.
I believe these things are fundamental to our success. I'll spend some time explaining these over the next few posts.
For now, I think it's important to point out that I'm trying to focus on the "controllable" things. John Wooden is one of my coaching heros and I have to give him credit for driving this home for me. You'll notice the words "State Championship" or "Win the East Region" aren't in that list. They are important bench marks that let us know how we are doing but they are an outcome of action not an action you can control. We definitely think winning is important but how you win is more important.
More to come.