The second point in my team philosophy is about working with our school, student body, and community.
We understand that we can't be successful alone. We need the support of our school, it's faculty, staff and administration. One of my goals is to show our appreciation for all those at the school who make our success possible. Everyone wants to be associated with winners. People will go out of their way to spend time supporting people they feel connected to. We want the people we represent to feel proud of our team and to feel like they are connected to what we are trying to accomplish. We want to show our respect to the Snowflake High School faculty and staff by being outstanding representatives of what they've taught us.
We also want to connect with our student body. Not all students can play football but we want them to be a part of our success. We want to give them a sense of pride by performing our best when we take the field.
Our community is what drives our school. Our alumni, boosters, and parents are all a part of the tradition we are building. We can't win games without their help and we want them to know we appreciate their hard work for the school and the football team.
As a demonstration of support and teamwork between the school, student body and community our football team will join them in singing the fight song before every game. I believe this can be a great tradition we bring back to the school.