Building something that will last takes time. Building a successful football program takes time as well. Putting the program in place is easy. Any coach can walk in with the principles of success and impliment them. So why do some programs succeed and some don't? I'm sure everyone has their own ideas on this subject but here's a few KEYs that I'd like to point out.
Key #1: Support from the kids. The kids have to want to win enough to sacrifice and make changes in their lives. They have to change their work habits, their diets, their attitudes and accept the changes with a vision of success. They are supporting the program by participation and improving themselves.
Key #2: Support from the administration. If the administration wants to win and is willing to make changes the sky is the limit. The philosophy of the high school, it's athletic programs, budgets and other aspects of success are controlled by the administration.
Key #3: A coach that builds a program using successful tools. You might think the coach is the program but in reality he only controls as much as the kids and administration let him. He can't force the kids to want to win and he can't force the administration to make changes. All of the parts of the program have to work in unison. In my opinion however the coach's work is critical in making all the parts function together.
Key #4: Supportive parents and community. Parents are the backbone of any program. A parent that supports the coach has a kid that supports the coach. A parent who vocally second guesses or questions a coach usually has a kid that does the same. An athlete that supports the coach is critical to the success of the program (Key #1) so it's critical that the parents be careful when they disagree with the coach.
Fans can be a great support to any program. I was a coach in a game where we beat the top ranked team in the state playoffs. I attribute the win to the energy of the fans. They cheered the entire game. The support I felt from them seemed to flow onto the field. They helped us keep our spirits up when it would have been easy to play timid. That's a real fan. They support. They build up. They don't tear down and critisize. I've seen negativity destroy the moral of the kids and it's impossible to succeed when the kids are doubting the coach and themselves.
These four keys are parts of every successful program. The great programs are ones that get all the parts of the program on the same page and then move in the same direction. That's how dynastys are built.