I'm not a history expert. I've never claimed to be. But I've read enough from others that study it to draw some conclusions about the world around me. I'd like to talk a little history in an attempt to learn from it. I'm not going to try to be exactly accurate with the dates but humor me and you'll get the point.
50 years ago sports doctors frowned on weightlifting. "It will stunt your growth, " is still a common saying from that era.
25 years ago doctors said squats were bad for your knees. Today they are used in rehab and strength training facilities around the world and doctors talk about how they are great if done right.
20 years ago high schools started doing bodybuilding workouts in an attempt to gain strength and power in their football players.
An amazing thing happened. The teams that had weights programs won games and the ones that didn't started to decline.
15 years ago research started to come out about training for sports in a specific way that were better than bodybuilding. The research set out exercises with sets and reps that would be beneficial to athletes in specific sports. That work revolutionized the athletic industry.
14 years ago Snowflake won their last State Championship in football. Soon after that the weights teacher left.
12 years ago suppliments were encouraged and funded by the BYU sports programs. Carb loading and creatine have become a common placed part of college and high school athletics.
12 years ago Blue Ridge starts an "updated" weights program and begins supplimenting their athletes diets and institutes a lifting club.
That group of athletes go on a win streak that may never be matched in the 3A.
10 years ago other programs look into what Blue Ridge is doing and start to develop weights programs that are specific to sports.
Today, every team in the east except Snowflake and Alchesay have won state championships. How long will it take us to catch up? I'm not trying to be a critic. I'm saying we can change. We need to change and we know how to change. We just need the courage to do it.