Thursday, November 20, 2008

8 workouts a week

I am starting a new program idea for all athletes that want to improve and become better overall athletes. It's called 8-A-WEEK.

Every athlete should participate in 8 workouts a week. If all physical activity is considered a workout and those workouts are well structured then 8 workouts a week will bring the results we want.

In those 8 workouts the athletes need to plan to strength train at least 2 times a week if they are in season and 4 times a week if they are out of season. They also need to plan to include mobility, agility and endurance workouts.

For the athletes that are in season practice is considered a workout if the activities in practice fit the workouts. For example: Basketball practice includes a ton of running. They also include agility and speed because the kids are moving through traffic and dribbling a ball. Each athlete can become a better athlete if they will follow these guidelines.

I'm not including too much information here but those that have questions can email me or come and see me.