We've spent the last week evaluating and changing our practice schedule. It's been a tough process because we had to look at the way we were doing things and ask hard questions. Why isn't this working? Why are we still doing that? Is this worth our time? Tough questions, but necessary ones. We really feel like the process of improving at something takes time, evaluation, change and reevaluation.
There's no question that I work with great coaches. The best thing about them all is that they take criticism well. It's hard to be the best at what you do if you aren't willing to change the things that don't work. So, when we evaluate ourselves we are pretty critical. Pointing out weaknesses in the program is tough. This program and it's kids are my biggest concern outside of my own family. To hear that it's not perfect is tough. Having said that, the progress that this kind of assessment has lead to is staggering.
The other great thing about my coaches is that we aren't convinced that the way we are doing things is the only effective way. They are constantly learning, studying and evaluating. They are willing to listen to others that have a different viewpoint. I believe this is the key to our success. Everyone has a voice in the success of our program.
It's fun to work in an environment when the people around you are like this. It's a breath of fresh air to work with men that are so eager to succeed.