I've spent a lot of time looking into different strength programs and researching the programs that bring the best results. I believe I've found the program that will take us to the next level. Now, before we break out the party hats, you have to remember some things.
First, programs are tools and they only work as well as they are followed. We will see results when the athletes comply with the workouts. I think these workouts are fun and challenging and leave enough room for variety that the athletes will want to work out.
Second, we still have a lot of work to do to get a weight room that meets the minimum needs of the atheltes. I'm not talking about machines. I'm talking about good old fashioned dumbbells. I know it's hard to believe but we need about 30,000 to get the weight room into decent shape. However, we'll make due and improve what we can.
I'm going to adopt Joe Defranco's training system that he's used for years to train some of the best atheltes in the country. The results of his program speak for themselves. The workouts are exciting and, more importantly, are built on good science.
I've included a link under the "LINKS" section to the right if you'd like to do some research of your own on what he does.