In January I attended a football clinic in southern California. I learned more than I could ever use in one season. I met with coaches from all over the southwest as well as some college and NFL coaches. Without a doubt it was the best learning experience I've had as a coach so far.
So, what did I learn?
First, and probably most important, I was reminded that the kids in California and the kids in Snowflake are the same. I expected to see kids on film that were 6'2", 220 lbs. Instead I saw kids that were the same as our athletes. One school of 2000 had linemen that averaged 200lbs. Our linemen are bigger than that. That school was the Division 5 CIF champions.
Second, their athletes are required to work out year round. Even the small programs that share athletes require their athletes to lift year round.
Third, I was reminded that we set our own limits. As soon as we sit back and say, "That's all we can do," then our progress has stopped and we won't get better. The programs that are winning year after year are functioning at a different level from ours. Rather than sitting back and being satisfied with taking 3rd place in our conference every year I'm committed to kicking our apathy in the teeth.
We have the potential to be the best team in the state. We have the athletes. We have the numbers. We have the coaches. Now we just need to have a winning attitude and a commitment to take ourselves to the next level.